

Nowadays, the success of any company depends on variables such as quality of its service, importance and treatment given to their employees and, above all, the relationships between customers and business partners.

In business there are two types of clients: the potential and the current ones. Although they are both important, there is a significant difference between them: the cost of each client type. The cost for acquire a new customer is about five times higher than the cost to keep an existing one. Studies also indicate the current customers spend more than 30% on themselves than new customers.  

To maintain a close relationship with your clients, you must implement a Customer Service. It will allow you to manage all requests and data between the company and your clients, supporting them through this kind of service. 

Through Yammer network we give to our partners some tricks and tips for different software products, important news about our company and products we work with.

If you have any difficulties, please feel free to clarify any questions or request our support to suporte@blink-it.pt.

Please see our average response times next to the importance of the case.

Last year in numbers

Resolved Cases

Resolution Time
Urgent 2 hours
Important 2 days
Normal 1 week
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